Preposition Problems!

Below, I would like you to write five interesting sentences that include different prepositions.

Make sure you tell the reader what the preposition is!

E.g. With a wimper, the alsatian puppy ran under the sofa.

The preposition is ‘under’.

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4 Responses to Preposition Problems!

  1. begut says:

    The frog jumped, with a spring in his step. the preposition is “WITH”

    The boy,ran across the bridge. the prepostion is “ACROSS”

    The girl walked in the shop, whith a purse. the preposition is”IN”
    BY TEE

  2. anlij says:

    I stay in the house. The prepostion is ‘in’.

    I don`t live near school. the prepostion is near.

  3. derba says:

    With my teddy bear we played under the cover of my bed.
    The prepositions are with, of and under.

  4. mbacj says:

    The boy, who had one hand smaller then the other, mystriously put his pencil into his pencil case.” the preposition is in”

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