100 Word Challenge 10.3.14

The prompt is:

… but when she lifted the lid…

Your piece should be 106 words long and you must include the prompt as it is written.

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3 Responses to 100 Word Challenge 10.3.14

  1. mohaf says:

    Kyra saw a jar in the middle of the hall way. She didn’t know what to do. She thought to herself ,“should I open it or not it took her hours to think then finally. She opened it then… a king cobra came out and spat venom on her and unfourtnatly she died

  2. calig says:

    In The Middle Of Nowhere…

    Jessica was In the middle of nowhere. She didn’t know what to do. She was all alone. Suddenly she saw a little box which had a pretty bow on it… She was frightened. As quick as a lightning bolt, she heard a small whisper! The doors slammed shut. She couldn’t escape. Quickly, calmly, she tiptoed towards the bowed box. She turned. She looked. She ran. As she was about to lift the lid she heard an ear shattering SCREAM! She was about to run up stairs until… Someone grabbed her by the shoulder. SHE FREED HERSELF! ANOTHER SCREAM CAME FROM UP STARIRS! But when she lifted the lid…

  3. spenl says:

    Charles saw a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. He said “Why am i here at the end of a rainbow im supposed to be in football practice”. But when she lifted the lid there was a boa constrictor that was a brown creamy colour with vibrant yellow spots, he thought to himself ohh oh it looks angry. Suddenly he was screaming for his life the boa constrictor was wrapped around his neck. Eventually he got it off his throat. He shouted “Last time I forget football practice for a pot of snake at the end of a rainbow”. Charles went home safely.

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